The Cyprus Bail-In seems to be coming in as 47.5%.
Keep in mind that the loss is due to the banks holding debt from Greece
that the EU promised would never happen. The entire European Banking
System is at tremendous risk. Aside from the issue of proprietary
trading that went sour as in New York, here we also have the problem
that the banks held as AAA reserves the bonds of sovereign member
states. So here we have the faulty design of the Euro undermining the
banking system on a grand systemic level. This has even put Switzerland
at risk for they have a ton of euros they have been buying trying to
keep the Swiss franc pegged to a sinking ship. Switzerland is getting
trapped by the chaos of the EU and their attempt to issue new Eurobonds
after the German elections will also fail. They are now going to have to
redeem ALL outstanding euro debt of all sovereign member states to save Europe.
The dollar is setting up to be the ONLY viable
currency. We have the September debt ceiling battle ahead and Obama’s
cry to increase taxes by $1.6 trillion. This is running the risk of
massive deflation. The budget deficit is declining because the bailouts
are done for now and the Fed is running around telling the bankers to
re-calibrate their models and that they will NOT be
bailing out proprietary trading next time around. Firms like Goldman
Sachs will be forced to suffer their own losses for once. They will wine
and cry behind the curtain that losses belong to the taxpayer and
profits go to them. But this may fall on deaf ears this time around
since it will coincide with the 2016 elections. We need to drive a stake
in the heart of proprietary trading by banks once and for all. If they
want to trade with other people’s money, convert to a hedge fund.
The deficits are moving lower and what will start to kick them higher
will be the rise in interest rates. This is why the Fed is telling the
bankers to wake up for there may not be the flight to quality that has
been traditional up to this point.
Our models are still warning no HYPERINFLATION.
Sorry! Find another bullshit sales pitch to fool the public. We are
facing bail-ins in Europe on a grand scale, G20 hunt for every red
penny, and Obama preaching more and more tax increases, with munis doing
into default because they cannot pay the pensions and maintain current
service levels. Everything around us is imploding and this is reflected
in the massive decline in liquidity that is off by 50% from 2007 levels.
This is how EVERY major economy has collapsed – complete implosion that destroys the economic foundation.
So while the politicians are in search of themselves out there, they
have ignored the impact of their Marxist policies. They will not relent
because to do so requires self-inspection and realization that the
economic theories are dead wrong and are seriously overrated. Government
in its all powerful Marxist mantle is the problem and it cannot see
that the lights are fading. The Marxist haven is not all what it is
cracked up to be. Economists and Politicians see themselves as the elite
entitled by the divine hand of God to dictate how society should
function. They never ask – What if we are wrong?
They have no contingency plan but to buy tanks and bullets while
trying to cut off all supplies to private gun ownership to prevent a
revolution. What will happen when people who have worked all their lives
under the promise they could retire as the public workers in Detroit?
Everyone who has believed this nonsense of perpetual utopia will come
crashing down from their shooting stars. This is what Homeland Security
is all about – protecting government from the delusional people as we
see government workers rioting in Greece.
What I am saying here is not popular or fashionable because people do
not want to think of themselves as fools. But thinking perpetual
benefits would always be there for public workers is a wrong assumption
that no matter how long it has gone unquestioned does not make it right.
Too many people remain confused that a nation is its government. People
have been crowning themselves with titles and honors, but it does not
elevate them in reality. One day the emperor is seen bare-ass naked.
Government and society are two distinct entities. The people are not
government and government cannot claim the mantle of the people while
exploiting them to sustain its own power. The blue skies of Marxism are
fading to dark grey and the lights that appeared on the horizon have
been extinguished. I try to explain this is how all empires, nations,
and city states have historically always failed (not HYPERINFLATION)
in my own last breath hoping to avoid the darkness if only we could
stop and look before we crash and burn. In this quest, I will fail for
who am I to change the fate of humankind.
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